If you have hundreds or thousands of products with different fields, adding these products manually on CyberStockroom could be difficult and time consuming. You can make this task a lot easier by first creating a spreadsheet and uploading it to your account.

1. Upload your CSV file

  • Go to the 'Create New Products' Popup (See Creating New Products).
  • Click the 'Import from file instead' button in the top right corner.
  • Click the upload a file button.
  • Upload a CSV file file with your product information (SAMPLE CSV FILE)
    • A CSV file can be created with spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or a simple text editor like Notepad.
    • That sample only contains the default product fields. You can add your own fields there (See 'Custom Fields for Products'.

2. Match the columns in your file to your product fields

  • CS will detect the first row of your spreadsheet as the titles of your columns, and these titles will be displayed on the left side.
  • To make sure that each column is matched to the correct field, you have to drag it from the left to the right.
  • Click 'Next' to import the products into your inventory.

3. Check the products into your locations